

2025 Grant Application Window will be open from 3/17/2025 – 4/25/2025.

grants kc can

Project Criteria

KC CAN! targets projects from 501(c)(3) organizations that align with our mission to support initiatives that create long term solutions towards improving the lives of Kansas City’s children, with an emphasis on projects related to meeting basic needs, education and wellness, as well as the objectives below. Projects are evaluated on their overall merit and as a result are not necessarily required to match all objectives:

  • Addresses a clear, identified area of need.
  • May otherwise go unaddressed through normal means, such as an organization’s operations budget or capital campaign.
  • Opportunities for professional capabilities and volunteer effort that we can provide through the Executive and Advisory Boards.
  • Involves a financial commitment that can be fully funded from the annual KC CAN! budget for the year in which the project is executed.
  • Can be encapsulated into a defined project that is less than a year in duration, with a target of 3-6 months from inception to completion.
  • Provides ongoing, long-term benefit.

KCCAN does NOT make grants to or for individuals, political organizations or activities, endowments, any type of labor cost, or past operating deficits. Grants up to $50,000 will be considered. Most grants are funded between $10,000-$25,000.

Grant Reporting Requirements

  1. Financial budget versus actual report
  2. Outcome results
  3. Photo and/or video if applicable

Grant Applicants – Stay Informed

Sign up to be informed of any news or deadlines related to the 2023 Grant Applications.

Visit the KC CAN! Facebook Page to view updates and recently funded grants!


Some of our past grants and projects include:


Organization Project Grant Award
KC Community Gardens Raised Garden Beds $3,850
Sleepyhead Beds Tuck in KC Initiative $10,000
The Golden Scoop Menu Displays for New Location $5,000
KC Autism Training Center Playground Equipment $18,980
Wonderscope Everbright Exhibit $18,000
Birthday Connections 71 Birthday Parties for Traumatized Kids $7,500
Camp Encourage Summer Camp Transportation $3,640
Police Athletic League Supplies for Garden and Healthy Cooking Program $12,500
Kids Hair Academy Salon and Training Equipment $15,000
Gem Theatre Recording Equipment $22,500
Center for Developmentally Disabled Coats/Hats/Mittens $4,500
Samuel U Rogers Car Seats $13,000
Community Services League Shoes for Kids $20,000
Junior Achievement 3DE Classrooms $16,000
Bags of Fun 30 Mental Health Bags $7,500
Transition Zone Toolkits for Girls Learning Construction Trades $16,500